With decades of experience producing movies for various clients, we’ve built an extensive network of partners. When you choose to produce a movie through Feelme Films, you’ll get access to this dynamic and comprehensive network. We’ll find the contacts and providers needed to pull off your film.
John Mitropoulos
Fivos Kontogiannis
Harris Vafeiadis
Sherif Francis
Dennis Eliades
Gregory Rentis
Christos Kanakis
Efthimis Kosemund Sanidis
Kostas Maroudis
Platon Andronidis
Alexandros Marangos
Yiorgos Zafiris
Vardis Marinakis
Daniel Bolda
Apostolis Papathanasiou
Nicholas Dimitropoulos
Akis Polizos
George Korgianitis
Achim Lippoth
Alain Lambert
Ali Ali
Antoine Asseraf
Babis Makridis
Bart Timmer
Belen CapdevillaBellone+consonni / Ben Briand
/ Ben Gregor / Benjamin
Parent / Brecht Van Hoenacker
/ Carl Prechezer / Charley
Stadler / Christian Aeby /
Christofer Hewitt / Christophe
Chudy / Christophe Navarre /
Claas Ortmann / Clauss DowieVan Hoenacker / Carl Prechezer / Charley Stadler / Christian Aeby / Christofer Hewitt / Christophe Chudy / Christophe Navarre / Claas Ortmann / Clauss Dowie /
Corinna Winter / Cric / Christian Larson / Damien Drake / David & Raphael
Vital Durand / Didier Barcelo / Dimitris Indares / Eden Diebel / Edouard Deluc / Elsa Blayau / Florence Edelmann / Franck Schneider / Gaute
Hesthagen / George Bolanos / Guillaume Panariello / Hans Peter